- A is for Ackbar [via]
- You’ve almost certainly heard this, but it’s worth repeating again and again and again: Ayn Rand received Social Security and Medicare. [via]
- 8-Bit vs. Reality [via]
- Lost Boys is Michael. A strangely compelling cut of the movie. (See also: it’s shelley duvall! many, many times!)
- And finally, Cat Rambo shares with writers 5 Things To Do In Your First 3 Paragraphs
Halloween various
Wednesday various
- Mike Daisey remembers Steve Jobs:
Mr. Jobs’s magic has its costs. We can admire the design perfection and business acumen while acknowledging the truth: with Apple’s immense resources at his command he could have revolutionized the industry to make devices more humanely and more openly, and chose not to. If we view him unsparingly, without nostalgia, we would see a great man whose genius in design, showmanship and stewardship of the tech world will not be seen again in our lifetime. We would also see a man who in the end failed to “think different,†in the deepest way, about the human needs of both his users and his workers.
- Actress sues IMDb for revealing that she’s totally old and gross. It’s an interesting case, although I don’t think IMDB has a responsibility to lie in order to combat Hollywood’s unfortunate age- and sexism.
- Mysterious paper sculptures [via]
- I’m sure by now you’ve heard this, but it’s still pretty remarkable: Online Gamers Make Discovery in HIV Battle
- And finally, learning the wrong lesson from 127 Hours.
Tuesday various
Monday various