Tuesday is not the new Monday

I seem to be feeling a lot better today. Not quite 100% — I’m still feeling the effects of allergies and, occasionally, I think, remnants of those allergy meds — but much better than I was last night, when I went to be around 10:30 with a box of tissues beside my head. (It was actually really annoying, knowing that I could make it all go away, the sneezing and sniffling and itchiness, with just one little pill, but the trade-off of vague but persistent unease just isn’t worth it.)

Other than the allergies, it was a pretty normal day. I got some things accomplished at work; I finished reading a really nice book. I may go to sleep a little early again tonight, but overall Tuesday was a lot better than Monday.

2 thoughts on “Tuesday is not the new Monday

    • I did, quite a bit, and was genuinely sorry to leave Larry Weller (and the warmth and honesty with which Shields details his simple but nevertheless labyrinthine life) behind.

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