
I know what you’re wondering, and the answer is yes, I did but a ten-foot-long soaker hose this evening after work. I watered the tree in the front, the lawn in the back, and I did a little cleaning up around the house. (Despite a dog who now seems determined to undo that cleaning by ripping up his toys and leaving the shredded bits all around. And by continuing to shed.)

Tomorrow, my parents return from their time abroad in Ireland. I’ve had a few postcards from them, a couple of phone calls, but it’s mostly been me and the dog for the past two weeks. Honestly, I think he’s a little sick of me. Although, last night, the air conditioner upstairs started to work again, and this evening I took him for a ride around the block in the car, so I may not have completely outlived my usefulness.

Today at work, we had a brief tour of all the fire exits, extinguishers, and emergency phones around the office. We’ve been there since April 1, so this was probably overdue. The stairwells are actually really nice, and I think we were all actually a little disappointed we couldn’t evacuate the building then and there, or even use the stairs except during an emergency. Opening them sets of an alarm downstairs, but they seemed wonderfully quiet compared to our desks, which have lately been surrounded by jackhammering and banging twenty-four/seven. (Or…well, okay, eight/five. But that’s still all work day being bombarded by loud noise right outside the window.)

Oh well. Just two more days of that, and then a three-day weekend. And we get to leave early on Friday in anticipation of it, which is nice.

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