A cold but happy Thursday

This evening, my parents and I attended a live broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion, piped in from St. Paul, Minnesota, to our local multiplex. It was a lot of fun and a great show — the news from Lake Wobegone, Elvis Costello — but now I’m a little tired.

I went into work a little early this morning, in the hope of getting home a little early, but that plan was dashed by a meeting that ran until a quarter to five. It was an informative meeting that touched directly on some of the work that I do, developing supplemental online materials for our books, but I’m not sorry to be done with meetings for the week. Not least of all because I kind of wanted to spend the day doing a lot of that work.

And I still have editing for Kaleidotrope‘s next issue to do, plus an ever-growing slush pile. I don’t mind that so much (even if the slush is mostly rejections), but I think I’m going to have to spend a good part of the weekend re-reading and marking up stories if I expect to have them done for the April issue. On the plus side, I think they’re some really good stories.

Now, if you excuse me, there seems to be a dog barking right outside my bedroom door for some reason. I’m going to go investigate why, and then eventually find my way to bed.