Tuesday various

5 thoughts on “Tuesday various

  1. I love the idea of all these secret Canadians. They’re like sleeper agents, just waiting to be activated. They’ll just suddenly become aware of their nature. And then all hell will break loose. They’ll suddenly start shoveling sidewalks clear of snow…SIDEWALKS THAT ARE NOT IN FRONT OF THEIR HOUSES. And plugging parking meters…FOR OTHER PEOPLE. And spelling words WITH THE U LEFT IN.

    The world will never be the same.

  2. No, not tuna! They are such tasty, tasty fish! In sandwiches, that is. Damn it, I knew there was something evil about sushi.

    And I started hoping for a DS9 movie the day the show went off the air, although I was well aware that it was exceedingly unlikely. The idea of a remake, though… Aargh. Dammit, Hollywood! STOP REMAKING THINGS I ACTUALLY LIKED THE FIRST TIME!

  3. Heather: I’m amused that what you’re envisioning is a sort of 24/Battlestar Galactica, US/Canada mashup, with Canadians as sort of Cylon terrorists of peace. Dare I mention that I edited a few of those u’s out of your story in the current issue of Kaleidotrope…? 🙂

    Betty:I don’t see how a DS9 remake could really generate the kind of enthusiasm it would need to actually get made. This is all third-hand rumor, fueled by hype in the build-up to the new Star Trek movie, which will likely dissipate even if that movie is a smash success.

    Still…while I think they ended well, and many of the actors are much older looking now, I really wouldn’t mind revisiting the DS9 world.

  4. Curses! Here I was all excited to discover I might be a secret Canadian, and then the actual guidelines went and dashed my hopes and dreams.

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