Friday various

  • Very minor 24 spoiler warning. The show is moving to New York next season. I wonder if this means I should start watching it again. I haven’t watched an episode in over four and a half years, but it would be interesting to see if I spot anything I recognize. [via]
  • Is your favorite television show in danger of being canceled? Well then don’t watch it — at least, not on television. It’s a compelling argument. If you’re not a Nielsen family, it’s maybe better to watch online (legally) where your viewership is counted. [via]
  • Then again, if cable companies like Time Warner have their way, pretty soon watching online won’t be economically feasible for most people.
  • Unless, of course, we get the sort of jobs that only pay well on TV. I can see this much from experience, editorial assistants don’t make anything like they seem to make on Ugly Betty. Heck, most editors don’t either.
  • Finally, photographer Chino Otsuka digitally added her modern self to childhood photos. It makes for a weird sort of time travel. I quite like it. [via]