Wednesday various

  • Bookslut reports that both candy and writing groups are weathering the recession well. One is almost tempted to find parallels between those two…
  • People continue to try to make Garfield funny. It doesn’t work, but this is amusing. I’ve always been a sucker for a bad translation. [via]
  • The Peekaboo Paradox: a surprisingly very interesting story about a $100,000-a-year clown. [via]
  • And at the complete opposite end of the spectrum, a truly horrific yet powerful article on infant deaths in hot cars, looking at how it happens and why, even to good parents. A brutal read — I imagine even more so for anyone with kids. [via]
  • And just so I don’t leave you on a down note, here’s 40 Inspirational Speeches in 2 Minutes.

2 thoughts on “Wednesday various

  1. I really should not have read that babies-in-cars article at work. It’s damned near impossible not to cry while reading it. (And, man, I find it all too easy to believe. The human brain is capable of some spectacularly disastrous random glitches, a fact we ignore at our peril.)

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