Saturday various

5 thoughts on “Saturday various

  1. The idea of a kid not knowing what an arcade feels like (let alone smells like) boggles my mind. Quick – we need to open one. With slightly sticky floors, Frogger, and Afterburner.

  2. Did you really need that map to tell you you work near 30 Rock? Isn’t it, like, an actual building?

    Plus, he totally forgot Mr. Belvidere, which was set in my home town.

    Actually, it would have been pretty cool if he had just input all those locations into a Google Maps database… *goes off to do that*

  3. Heather: I am so there!

    Victor: It was more to let other people know the general area of NYC where I work. 30 Rockefeller Center is a little far from me, but it’s within pretty easy walking distance.

    Mr. Belvedere would have been a left-right, living room/kitchen setup, as I recall.

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