The old switcheroo

Something just occurred to me. This is not a comparison that holds up under under close scrutiny, perhaps, but on the face of it, the McCain/Palin ticket is some ways a direct reversal of Bush/Cheney.

Bush was dumb and inexperienced, without a lick of international knowledge, but a regular feller. That’s Sarah Palin in spades; her chief assets seem to be that she’s a soccer hockey mom and knows where Russia is. (And that’s her supporters talking.) And this time around, McCain is Cheney, the old evil white guy apparently willing to do anything, sacrifice any ideal, to secure more power and the Presidency.

Again, it’s not a perfect analogy. Bush actually had considerably more experience in government in 2000 — amazingly enough — than Sarah Palin has now. And it’s questionable whether Dick Cheney ever had any ideals to sacrifice. But there’s a part of me that can’t help but wonder if someone in the McCain camp doesn’t just want to turn to the American people and say, “See, we are different. This time around, the dumb one will be Vice President!”

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