
This is one of the reasons why I really like Netflix:

For users of Profiles, I have good news to report: we will keep the feature with no plans to discontinue it.We were persuaded by the well-reasoned, sincere responses of loyal members who very much value this feature. As someone who enjoys helping his four-year-old daughter manage her one-DVD-at-a-time, G-rated sub-account, I identified with these thoughtful pleas to maintain Profiles.

Because of an ongoing desire to make our website easier to use, we believed taking a feature away that is only used by a very small minority would help us improve the site for everyone. Listening to our members, we realized that users of this feature often describe it as an essential part of their Netflix experience. Simplicity is only one virtue and it can certainly be outweighed by utility.

I’ve never actually used the Profiles feature myself (and don’t have any immediate plans to do so), but it’s refreshing to see a company respond to its customers and their wishes like this. They had planned to discontinue the feature, customers asked them not to, and they listened.