Random 10 1-31-14

Last week…or rather two weeks ago, since last week I was sick, hugging my bed. This week:

  1. “Street Spirit” by Peter Gabriel (orig. Radiohead)
    I can feel their blue hands touching me
  2. “Like a Rock” by Bob Seger, guessed by Clayton
    My hands were steady, my eyes were clear and bright
  3. “Four Dreams” by Jesca Hoop
    A bee flew from my nose
  4. “Milk” by Garbage
    I am red hot kitchen
  5. “Artificial Heart” by Jonathan Coulton
    It’s easy to sleep when I’m not buzzing all the time
  6. “Tree Hugger” by Kimya Dawson & Antsy Pants
    The cat wished that it was a bee
  7. “Hound Dog” by Elvis Presley, guessed by Clayton
    Well, you ain’t never caught a rabbit
  8. “American Idiot” by Green Day
    We’re not the ones who’re meant to follow
  9. “Car Song” by Elastica
    My heart’s spaghetti junction
  10. “Jerry Springer” by Weird Al Yankovic, guessed by random passer-by
    They all exhibit reprehensible behavior

If you’re still out there playing, good luck!

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