I think I have thoroughly lost track of what day it is. It can’t possibly already be late Wednesday, can it?
I overslept this morning. Not enough that it made a huge amount of difference, beyond getting the later usual train rather than the earlier usual one, but it was annoying to have completely slept through my alarm. I’m not supposed to be able to do that. Fall back asleep, sure, that sometimes happens, or I reset the alarm and decide to wake up when I please. But to sail blissfully past without even hearing it…that’s just not good.
Anyway, the day that followed wasn’t anything special. Nice, but very hot weather, and some difficulty in finding a place to eat my lunch. I went to one place that was too crowded, then bought a sandwich at another where there was nowhere to sit, and then…but you don’t want to hear about that. I found a bench, in a small courtyard park a couple of blocks from the office I’ve grown to like, and I ate my ham and cheese while listening to a podcast.
Not exciting stuff, but that’s life.