Random 10 4/24

Last week. This week:

  1. “Daydream Believer” by Shonen Knife (orig. the Monkees), guessed by Eric B.
    But how much, baby, do we really need?
  2. “I Am the Walrus” by the Beatles, guessed by Clayton
    Don’t you think the joker laughs at you?
  3. “I Don’t Like Mondays” by the Boomtown Rats, guessed by Eric B.
    She’s gonna make them stay at home
  4. “Joe Bean” by Johnny Cash, guessed by Eric B.
    He was an unruly kid
  5. “The Girl from Yesterday” by the Eagles, guessed by Occupant
    She only knows the pain that comes from waiting for so long
  6. “Real Men” by Tori Amos (orig. Joe Jackson), guessed by Eric B.
    See the nice boys, dancing in pairs
  7. “Drive My Car” by the Beatles, guessed by Clayton
    I told that girl that my prospects were good
  8. “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley, guessed by Eric B.
    Rise up this mornin’, smiled with the risin’ sun
  9. “Not Dark Yet” by Bob Dylan, guessed by Rob
    Shadows are falling and I been here all day
  10. “Footloose” by Kenny Loggins, guessed by Eric B.
    It will if you don’t even try

Good luck!

7 thoughts on “Random 10 4/24

  1. #1 – Monkees, “Daydream Believer”
    #3 – Boomtown Rats, “I Don’t Like Mondays”
    #4 – Johnny Cash, “Joe Bean”
    #6 – Joe Jackson, “Real Men”
    #8 – Bob Marley, “Three Little Birds”
    #10 – Kenny Loggins, “Footloose”

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