Law and Order |
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Saltydog: "You ATE the suspect?" "I wuz hungry, Sarge!" |
Proberman: Yeah, that's right. It's just a soldering iron..... a Soldering Iron of Justice!!! |
cscott: "...and so he accidentally spent 20 years in prison. When we found out we laughed and laughed... or, well, I laughed anyway..." |
screaming_fist: "Well, since you refuse to towel the oil off, I'm citing you for contempt, Mr. Simmons." |
UnReality: "Your Honor, these are my breasts. And, if it please the court, this is my ass." |
Geier: He wasn't known as "Justice's Belly" for nothing! |
animebabe: "Your Honor... my client not only has no church.. he has no steeple.. he has no hands, and has no people..." |
Torghoul: He's a cop! He's a cameraman! They're cops! . . .except for the cameraman. |
E_the_E: "Think donut, be the donut." |
UnReality: Wyatt Twerp |
144b: I'm West. He's Wang. Were're cops!! |