Let's Go Out to the Movies |
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UnReality: The Who Cares Which Project |
animebabe: We now return to "Stop or My Crotch Will Shoot!" already in progress. |
Xigeous: "I've been feeling the force for decades now. But did *I* get a big part in Star Wars? Noooooooo!" |
Geier: We now switch to "Hellraiser 17: Because We Can", already in progress. |
SunSinner: "Scary movies? Well, one time it took the scab a whole two weeks to fall off and....hello?" |
Zonk: The international sign for "your acting is bad enough to choke a llama." |
saint_marie: (It's moments like these that make Steve Guttenburg a star.) |
JohnSteed: You notice how the things we want to be in a galaxy far far away never are? |
Generik: Darth Maul awaits his companions Darth John, Darth George and Darth Ringo in the studio while recording the Black Album. |
Generik: o/` "...He was the sweet-talkin' son of a sequel man! ...Yes he was... he was... Oooooh, yes he was!" o/` |
Tin_God: Euro-Predator! |
Cupid_arkham: These are the people that will be eaten in the sequel. |
screaming_fist: Das Funky Boat |
Oper8er: The story you have just seen is true. Only the quality was omitted to preserve the mediocrity. |
TravisBickle: The embarassing thing is that John Rhys-Davies was wearing the grail on his head all along. |
drhidaka: Emma Thompson IS Princess Leia IN Kenneth Branagh's "Returneth of the JEDI" |
Imp_Mayhem: Adolf Hitler, auditioning for 'Rain Man.' |
UnReality: "Harrison Ford should've left you in the desert." |